Regen Biofuels is developing a pipeline of U.S. biomass conversion projects to produce Advanced Biofuels. Our projects have the capability to produce renewable fuels and products, including Green Hydrogen, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) and High-Quality BioChar.

Regen’s projects will utilize cellulosic agricultural and forest residues as feedstocks that are converted into valuable products by utilizing cutting-edge commercial technologies. Regen has conducted exhaustive research, with some of the best thermochemical engineers in the world in order to identify technologies that will provide excellent feedstock flexibility, scalability, output flexibility along with strong operational and capital efficiencies.

What We Do

Regen takes unwanted and expensive to handle waste byproducts and turns them into something valuable. We target feedstocks that are cheap, plentiful and will deliver the most significant benefit in terms of GHG emissions reduction. We do not use or compete for food crop production, staying away from the “food vs fuel” debate.